Tuesday 25 March 2008

The Piss & Lipstick Party

Here you have it; two idiots apparently "defending" British culture. What is "British culture" anyway? If you were to study the inbred antics of the sorry fools that make up the BPP, one would have to surmise it is loafing off of the tax payer for undeserving financial benefit, over-populating social housing with Chav scum offspring and going a little crazy with the cosmetic samples at the make-up counter at Boots.

Pic: No Wonder The 'Aryan Race' Is Dying Out! It's too ugly to fornicate with!

The BPP are the biggest joke in politics. They make the SWP look like a serious alternative to New labour for Christ's sake!

They have almost all been expelled from the BNP for degenerate behaviour.

Take the fat idiot on the right of this picture. He is most famous for getting the living shit kicked out of him by Gay Pride marchers, not long after he had bragged he was going to stop the "poofters" from marching. Prior to that, he was famous for urinating on the sofa of one of his "comrades", not long before the two were to fall out over the division of sexual favours by one of their members who had learning difficulties!

If you want to see the BPP up close and personal next time they are out in London, follow the smell of piss to Borough, south London. That's where the two-bob nonce's have been hanging out lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear that slapper deserves a medal if she is drinking with that fat slob, has he never heard of weight watchers or the atkins diet?